CrossPointe Youth is a place for 7th – 12th grade students where friendships are developed with Jesus as the foundation. Our goal is to develop passionate followers of Christ in a fun and safe atmosphere with a focus on spiritual discipleship. Sunday night at The Refuge includes time to hang out, play games, eat some great food, worship together, and spend time in God's word.
S e r v i c e T i m e s :
S u n d a y N i g h t s 5 : 0 0 P M - 7 : 1 5 P M
You’ll be welcomed with a smile by a group of passionate believers that believe firmly in including each guest as a part of the group. Our format is a little different from week to week. One week for example, Pastor Daniel will preach a sermon and then the next week we will have Small Groups. During Small Groups; students can ask questions, dig deeper into the word by discussing the sermon from the previous week, and open up to talk about faith and struggles in a safe setting.
Also, The Refuge Youth Group doesn’t just stay indoors! At least once a month, we get out of the church building to either serve our community or continue building friendships in Christ through exciting events. Every other Thursday, each month, students also have the opportunity to participate in Guys and Girls Bible Studies led by our amazing Refuge Leadership Team.
“We believe that the youth are not just the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today.” – Lead Pastor Johnathan Ellison.
“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7 (ESV)